
Python Tutorial

Python HOME Python Intro Python Get Started Python Syntax Python Comments Python Variables Python Data Types Python Numbers Python Casting Python Strings Python Booleans Python Operators Python Lists Python Tuples Python Sets Python Dictionaries Python If...Else Python While Loops Python For Loops Python Functions Python Lambda Python Arrays Python Classes/Objects Python Inheritance Python Iterators Python Polymorphism Python Scope Python Modules Python Dates Python Math Python JSON Python RegEx Python PIP Python Try...Except Python User Input Python String Formatting

File Handling

Python File Handling Python Read Files Python Write/Create Files Python Delete Files

Python Modules

NumPy Tutorial Pandas Tutorial SciPy Tutorial Django Tutorial

Python Matplotlib

Matplotlib Intro Matplotlib Get Started Matplotlib Pyplot Matplotlib Plotting Matplotlib Markers Matplotlib Line Matplotlib Labels Matplotlib Grid Matplotlib Subplot Matplotlib Scatter Matplotlib Bars Matplotlib Histograms Matplotlib Pie Charts

Machine Learning

Getting Started Mean Median Mode Standard Deviation Percentile Data Distribution Normal Data Distribution Scatter Plot Linear Regression Polynomial Regression Multiple Regression Scale Train/Test Decision Tree Confusion Matrix Hierarchical Clustering Logistic Regression Grid Search Categorical Data K-means Bootstrap Aggregation Cross Validation AUC - ROC Curve K-nearest neighbors

Python MySQL

MySQL Get Started MySQL Create Database MySQL Create Table MySQL Insert MySQL Select MySQL Where MySQL Order By MySQL Delete MySQL Drop Table MySQL Update MySQL Limit MySQL Join

Python MongoDB

MongoDB Get Started MongoDB Create DB MongoDB Collection MongoDB Insert MongoDB Find MongoDB Query MongoDB Sort MongoDB Delete MongoDB Drop Collection MongoDB Update MongoDB Limit

Python Reference

Python Overview Python Built-in Functions Python String Methods Python List Methods Python Dictionary Methods Python Tuple Methods Python Set Methods Python File Methods Python Keywords Python Exceptions Python Glossary

Module Reference

Random Module Requests Module Statistics Module Math Module cMath Module

Python How To

Remove List Duplicates Reverse a String Add Two Numbers

Python Examples

Python Examples Python Compiler Python Exercises Python Quiz Python Server Python Syllabus Python Study Plan Python Interview Q&A Python Bootcamp Python Certificate Python Training

Python Training

Introduction: Python is a popular programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications.

W3Schools offers an Python training course that covers Python foundations and more.

The course includes the W3Schools Certified Python Developer certification.

The Python training is relevant for companies and schools that want to certify their employees or students.

Organizations can track learner progress, get insights and manage everything from licenses to certificates with W3Schools Academy.

Remember that you can always learn for free on W3Schools with the Python Tutorial.

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*Academy is available for companies and schools only.

Track progress

Get analytics to track learner progress and results.


Flexible timelines and pacing to match busy schedules.

Globally Recognized

Certifications that are trusted by leading organizations worldwide

Python Training with W3Schools

W3Schools has been training millions of learners since 1998.

Governments, schools, and organizations worldwide trust W3Schools to train employees and students.

W3Schools training materials and content have been well-proven over the years and are updated regularly.

With the W3Schools Academy pricing model, it is now one of the worlds most affordable quality Python training options there is.

Learn About Academy »

Learning Outcomes

The Certificate Course includes all the training materials to pass the Certified Python Developer certification exam.

No prerequisites are required to take the course.

The learners will be able to:

  • Understand Python basics, such as syntax, variables, and data types.
  • Write Python code using loops, conditionals, and functions.
  • Handle files (open, read, write) using Python.
  • Use Python libraries and modules for specific tasks.
  • Work with data structures like lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.
  • Develop programs that use object-oriented concepts such as classes and inheritance.
  • Develop a problem-solving mindset.

If you are not a company or school, you can still buy the course for personal use.

Read more about W3Schools courses here: W3Schools Courses

Certified Python Developer

After completing the training modules the learner will take the end of pathway exam.

When the learner passes the exam, the learner will get the Certified Python Developer certification.

The exam is a multiple choice exam with 60 questions and a duration of 60 minutes.

Image of a Python Certificate:

The certificate does not expire and is valid for lifetime.

It is shareable and can be added to your CV or LinkedIn profile.

You can read more about the certificate here: Python Certificate

Track Learner Progress

As an employer or a school you can track learner progress and results.

Assign courses to learners with ease and get them started in no time.

With W3Schools Academy you can manage everything from licenses to certificates.

It will give you everything you need to train your employees or students in different technologies.

Image of class overview in Academy:

You can read more about the Academy here: W3Schools Academy

Note: If you don't want to track progress, there is an option to give them access to the course without any management.

Interactive Learning

The course is designed to be interactive and fun to learn.

The learner will engage with different learning activities to keep them engaged.

This includes quizzes, code exercises, challenges, and a final exam.

Stay engaged with hands-on coding challenges that help you practice and test what you've learned.

Image of one of the activity types in the course, a Python Challenge:

Python is best learned by doing, and this is why we have included a lot of challenges in the course.

  • You will get access to hundreds of coding challenges
  • Get instant feedback with auto-grading
  • Receive personalized guidance with manual grading
  • Work on exercises ranging from simple to complex

You can read more about the different types of activities here: Coding Exercises

Training Course Overview

Pricing Academy $5.99 / month per learner
Availability For companies and schools only
Course level Beginner
Time to complete 66 hours on average
Course Format Self-paced
Language English
Prerequisites None
Exam and Certification Included
Number of certificates 1
Certificate name Certified Python Developer
Exam format Multiple choice
Certification skill level Intermediate (40%), Advanced (75%) and Professional (90%)
Certification Expiration Never

How to Get Started

  1. Purchase W3Schools Academy access for your organization
  2. Create a class and invite your learners
  3. Assign the Python course to your class
  4. Monitor learner progress through the admin dashboard
  5. Review analytics and certification results

Are you ready to start training your employees today?

Buy Access to Academy Now »


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