C++ While Loop Examples
Real Life Example
To demonstrate a practical example of the while loop, we have created a simple "countdown" program:
int countdown = 3;
while (countdown > 0) {
cout << countdown
<< "\n";
cout << "Happy New Year!!\n";
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In this example, we create a program that only print even numbers between 0 and 10 (inclusive):
In this example we use a while loop to reverse some numbers:
// A variable with some specific numbers
int numbers = 12345;
// A
variable to store the reversed number
int revNumbers = 0;
// Reverse
and reorder the numbers
while (numbers) {
// Get the last number
of 'numbers' and add it to 'revNumbers'
revNumbers = revNumbers * 10
+ numbers % 10;
// Remove the last number of 'numbers'
numbers /= 10;
cout << "Reversed numbers: " << revNumbers << "\n";
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To demonstrate a practical example of the while loop combined with an if else statement, let's say we play a game of Yatzy:
int dice = 1;
while (dice <= 6) {
if (dice < 6) {
cout << "No Yatzy\n";
} else {
cout <<
dice = dice + 1;
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If the loop passes the values ranging from 1 to 5, it prints "No Yatzy". Whenever it passes the value 6, it prints "Yatzy!".