_id: ObjectId("5a9427648b0beebeb69579e7"),
name: 'Mercedes Tyler',
email: 'mercedes_tyler@fakegmail.com',
movie_id: ObjectId("573a1390f29313caabcd4323"),
text: 'Eius veritatis vero facilis quaerat fuga temporibus. Praesentium expedita sequi repellat id. Corporis minima enim ex. Provident fugit nisi dignissimos nulla nam ipsum aliquam.',
date: ISODate("2002-08-18T04:56:07.000Z"),
movie_details: [
_id: ObjectId("573a1390f29313caabcd4323"),
plot: 'A young boy, opressed by his mother, goes on an outing in the country with a social welfare group where he dares to dream of a land where the cares of his ordinary life fade.',
genres: [ 'Short', 'Drama', 'Fantasy' ],
runtime: 14,
rated: 'UNRATED',
cast: [
'Martin Fuller',
'Mrs. William Bechtel',
'Walter Edwin',
'Ethel Jewett'
num_mflix_comments: 1,
poster: 'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTMzMDcxMjgyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTgxNjg4Mg@@._V1_SY1000_SX677_AL_.jpg',
title: 'The Land Beyond the Sunset',
fullplot: "Thanks to the Fresh Air Fund, a slum child escapes his drunken mother for a day's outing in the country. Upon arriving, he and the other children are told a story about a mythical land of no pain. Rather then return to the slum at day's end, the lad seeks to journey to that beautiful land beyond the sunset.",
languages: [ 'English' ],
released: ISODate("1912-10-28T00:00:00.000Z"),
directors: [ 'Harold M. Shaw' ],
writers: [ 'Dorothy G. Shore' ],
awards: { wins: 1, nominations: 0, text: '1 win.' },
lastupdated: '2015-08-29 00:27:45.437000000',
year: 1912,
imdb: { rating: 7.1, votes: 448, id: 488 },
countries: [ 'USA' ],
type: 'movie',
tomatoes: {
viewer: { rating: 3.7, numReviews: 53, meter: 67 },
lastUpdated: ISODate("2015-04-27T19:06:35.000Z")
Atlas atlas-8iy36m-shard-0 [primary] sample_mflix>