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class Graph: def __init__(self, size): self.adj_matrix = [[0] * size for _ in range(size)] self.size = size self.vertex_data = [''] * size def add_edge(self, u, v, weight): if 0 <= u < self.size and 0 <= v < self.size: self.adj_matrix[u][v] = weight #self.adj_matrix[v][u] = weight # For undirected graph def add_vertex_data(self, vertex, data): if 0 <= vertex < self.size: self.vertex_data[vertex] = data def bellman_ford(self, start_vertex_data): start_vertex = self.vertex_data.index(start_vertex_data) distances = [float('inf')] * self.size predecessors = [None] * self.size distances[start_vertex] = 0 for i in range(self.size - 1): for u in range(self.size): for v in range(self.size): if self.adj_matrix[u][v] != 0: if distances[u] + self.adj_matrix[u][v] < distances[v]: distances[v] = distances[u] + self.adj_matrix[u][v] predecessors[v] = u print(f"Relaxing edge {self.vertex_data[u]}->{self.vertex_data[v]}, Updated distance to {self.vertex_data[v]}: {distances[v]}") # Negative cycle detection for u in range(self.size): for v in range(self.size): if self.adj_matrix[u][v] != 0: if distances[u] + self.adj_matrix[u][v] < distances[v]: return (True, None, None) # Indicate a negative cycle was found return (False, distances, predecessors) # Indicate no negative cycle and return distances def get_path(self, predecessors, start_vertex, end_vertex): path = [] current = self.vertex_data.index(end_vertex) while current is not None: path.insert(0, self.vertex_data[current]) current = predecessors[current] if current == self.vertex_data.index(start_vertex): path.insert(0, start_vertex) break return '->'.join(path) g = Graph(5) g.add_vertex_data(0, 'A') g.add_vertex_data(1, 'B') g.add_vertex_data(2, 'C') g.add_vertex_data(3, 'D') g.add_vertex_data(4, 'E') g.add_edge(3, 0, 4) # D -> A, weight 4 g.add_edge(3, 2, 7) # D -> C, weight 7 g.add_edge(3, 4, 3) # D -> E, weight 3 g.add_edge(0, 2, 4) # A -> C, weight 4 g.add_edge(2, 0, -3) # C -> A, weight -3 g.add_edge(0, 4, 5) # A -> E, weight 5 g.add_edge(4, 2, 3) # E -> C, weight 3 g.add_edge(1, 2, -4) # B -> C, weight -4 g.add_edge(4, 1, 2) # E -> B, weight 2 # Running the Bellman-Ford algorithm from D to all vertices print("\nThe Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:") negative_cycle, distances, predecessors = g.bellman_ford('D') if not negative_cycle: for i, d in enumerate(distances): if d != float('inf'): path = g.get_path(predecessors, 'D', g.vertex_data[i]) print(f"{path}, Distance: {d}") else: print(f"No path from D to {g.vertex_data[i]}, Distance: Infinity") else: print("Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute shortest paths.") #Python
// Include
for INT_MAX and INT_MIN #include
// Include
for string operations #define MAX_SIZE 100 // Define the maximum size for the graph // Structure to represent a graph typedef struct { int adj_matrix[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE]; // Adjacency matrix int size; // Number of vertices char vertex_data[MAX_SIZE]; // Data for each vertex } Graph; // Function to initialize the graph void init_graph(Graph *g, int size) { g->size = size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { g->adj_matrix[i][j] = 0; // Initialize adjacency matrix to 0 } g->vertex_data[i] = '\0'; // Initialize vertex data to empty } } // Function to add an edge to the graph void add_edge(Graph *g, int u, int v, int weight) { if (u >= 0 && u < g->size && v >= 0 && v < g->size) { g->adj_matrix[u][v] = weight; // For an undirected graph, also set g->adj_matrix[v][u] = weight; } } // Function to add data to a vertex void add_vertex_data(Graph *g, int vertex, char data) { if (vertex >= 0 && vertex < g->size) { g->vertex_data[vertex] = data; } } int bellman_ford(Graph *g, char start_vertex_data, int distances[], int predecessors[]) { int start_vertex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < g->size; i++) { if (g->vertex_data[i] == start_vertex_data) { start_vertex = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < g->size; i++) { distances[i] = INT_MAX; // Use INT_MAX from
predecessors[i] = -1; } distances[start_vertex] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g->size - 1; i++) { for (int u = 0; u < g->size; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < g->size; v++) { if (g->adj_matrix[u][v] != 0) { if (distances[u] != INT_MAX && distances[u] + g->adj_matrix[u][v] < distances[v]) { distances[v] = distances[u] + g->adj_matrix[u][v]; predecessors[v] = u; printf("Relaxing edge %c->%c, Updated distance to %c: %d\n", g->vertex_data[u], g->vertex_data[v], g->vertex_data[v], distances[v]); } } } } } // Negative cycle detection for (int u = 0; u < g->size; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < g->size; v++) { if (g->adj_matrix[u][v] != 0) { if (distances[u] != INT_MAX && distances[u] + g->adj_matrix[u][v] < distances[v]) { return 1; // Indicate a negative cycle was found } } } } return 0; // Indicate no negative cycle } // Function to get the shortest path from start_vertex_data to end_vertex_data void get_path(Graph *g, int predecessors[], char start_vertex_data, char end_vertex_data, char path[]) { int path_index = 0; int current = -1; for (int i = 0; i < g->size; i++) { if (g->vertex_data[i] == end_vertex_data) { current = i; break; } } while (current != -1) { path[path_index++] = g->vertex_data[current]; current = predecessors[current]; if (current != -1 && g->vertex_data[current] == start_vertex_data) { path[path_index++] = start_vertex_data; break; } } // Reverse the path and add arrows char reversed_path[MAX_SIZE]; int reversed_index = 0; for (int i = path_index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { reversed_path[reversed_index++] = path[i]; if (i > 0) { reversed_path[reversed_index++] = '-'; reversed_path[reversed_index++] = '>'; } } reversed_path[reversed_index] = '\0'; strcpy(path, reversed_path); } int main() { // Create and initialize the graph Graph g; init_graph(&g, 5); add_vertex_data(&g, 0, 'A'); add_vertex_data(&g, 1, 'B'); add_vertex_data(&g, 2, 'C'); add_vertex_data(&g, 3, 'D'); add_vertex_data(&g, 4, 'E'); add_edge(&g, 3, 0, 4); // D -> A, weight 4 add_edge(&g, 3, 2, 7); // D -> C, weight 7 add_edge(&g, 3, 4, 3); // D -> E, weight 3 add_edge(&g, 0, 2, 4); // A -> C, weight 4 add_edge(&g, 2, 0, -3); // C -> A, weight -3 add_edge(&g, 0, 4, 5); // A -> E, weight 5 add_edge(&g, 4, 2, 3); // E -> C, weight 3 add_edge(&g, 1, 2, -4); // B -> C, weight -4 add_edge(&g, 4, 1, 2); // E -> B, weight 2 int distances[MAX_SIZE]; // Declare distances array in main int predecessors[MAX_SIZE]; // Declare predecessors array in main // Running the Bellman-Ford algorithm from D to all vertices printf("\nThe Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:\n"); int negative_cycle = bellman_ford(&g, 'D', distances, predecessors); // Pass distances and predecessors arrays if (!negative_cycle) { for (int i = 0; i < g.size; i++) { if (g.vertex_data[i] != '\0') { char path[MAX_SIZE]; get_path(&g, predecessors, 'D', g.vertex_data[i], path); if (path[0] != '\0') { printf("%s, Distance: %d\n", path, distances[i]); } else { printf("No path from D to %c, Distance: Infinity\n", g.vertex_data[i]); } } } } else { printf("Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute shortest paths.\n"); } return 0; } //C
import java.util.Arrays; public class Main { static class Graph { private int[][] adjMatrix; private String[] vertexData; private int size; public Graph(int size) { this.size = size; this.adjMatrix = new int[size][size]; this.vertexData = new String[size]; } public void addEdge(int u, int v, int weight) { if (u >= 0 && u < size && v >= 0 && v < size) { adjMatrix[u][v] = weight; } } public void addVertexData(int vertex, String data) { if (vertex >= 0 && vertex < size) { vertexData[vertex] = data; } } public Result bellmanFord(String startVertexData) { int startVertex = findVertex(startVertexData); int[] distances = new int[size]; Integer[] predecessors = new Integer[size]; Arrays.fill(distances, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Arrays.fill(predecessors, null); distances[startVertex] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { for (int u = 0; u < size; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < size; v++) { if (adjMatrix[u][v] != 0 && distances[u] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && distances[u] + adjMatrix[u][v] < distances[v]) { distances[v] = distances[u] + adjMatrix[u][v]; predecessors[v] = u; System.out.printf("Relaxing edge %s->%s, Updated distance to %s: %d%n", vertexData[u], vertexData[v], vertexData[v], distances[v]); } } } } for (int u = 0; u < size; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < size; v++) { if (adjMatrix[u][v] != 0 && distances[u] != Integer.MAX_VALUE && distances[u] + adjMatrix[u][v] < distances[v]) { return new Result(true, null, null); } } } return new Result(false, distances, predecessors); } private int findVertex(String vertexData) { for (int i = 0; i < this.vertexData.length; i++) { if (this.vertexData[i].equals(vertexData)) { return i; } } return -1; // Vertex not found } public String getPath(Integer[] predecessors, String startVertex, String endVertex) { if (predecessors == null) { return "Path not available"; } StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); int current = findVertex(endVertex); // Handle cases where endVertex is not found or has no path if (current == -1 || predecessors[current] == null) { return "No path from " + startVertex + " to " + endVertex; } while (current != -1) { path.insert(0, this.vertexData[current]); Integer pred = predecessors[current]; if (pred != null && pred != findVertex(startVertex)) { path.insert(0, "->"); current = pred; } else { if (pred != null) { path.insert(0, startVertex + "->"); } break; } } return path.toString(); } } static class Result { boolean hasNegativeCycle; int[] distances; Integer[] predecessors; public Result(boolean hasNegativeCycle, int[] distances, Integer[] predecessors) { this.hasNegativeCycle = hasNegativeCycle; this.distances = distances; this.predecessors = predecessors; } } public static void main(String[] args) { Graph g = new Graph(5); g.addVertexData(0, "A"); g.addVertexData(1, "B"); g.addVertexData(2, "C"); g.addVertexData(3, "D"); g.addVertexData(4, "E"); g.addEdge(3, 0, 4); // D -> A, weight 4 g.addEdge(3, 2, 7); // D -> C, weight 7 g.addEdge(3, 4, 3); // D -> E, weight 3 g.addEdge(0, 2, 4); // A -> C, weight 4 g.addEdge(2, 0, -3); // C -> A, weight -3 g.addEdge(0, 4, 5); // A -> E, weight 5 g.addEdge(4, 2, 3); // E -> C, weight 3 g.addEdge(1, 2, -4); // B -> C, weight -4 g.addEdge(4, 1, 2); // E -> B, weight 2 System.out.println("\nThe Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:"); Result result = g.bellmanFord("D"); if (!result.hasNegativeCycle) { for (int i = 0; i < result.distances.length; i++) { if (result.distances[i] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { String startVertexData = "D"; // Start vertex as a string String endVertexData = g.vertexData[i]; // Convert end vertex index to string String path = g.getPath(result.predecessors, startVertexData, endVertexData); System.out.println(path + ", Distance: " + result.distances[i]); } else { System.out.println("No path from D to " + g.vertexData[i] + ", Distance: Infinity"); } } } else { System.out.println("Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute shortest paths."); } } } //Java
Python result:
C result:
Java result:
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -2
D->E->B->C->A, Distance: -2
D->E->B, Distance: 5
D->E->B->C, Distance: 1
D, Distance: 0
D->E, Distance: 3
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -2
D->E->B->C->A, Distance: -2
D->E->B, Distance: 5
D->E->B->C, Distance: 1
D, Distance: 0
D->E, Distance: 3
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -2
D->E->B->C->A, Distance: -2
D->E->B, Distance: 5
D->E->B->C, Distance: 1
No path from D to D, Distance: 0
D->E, Distance: 3