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The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -8
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -4
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -3
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -13
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -1
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -9
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -8
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -18
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -6
Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute shortest paths.
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -8
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -4
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -3
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -13
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -1
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -9
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -8
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -18
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -6
Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute the shortest paths.
The Bellman-Ford Algorithm starting from vertex D:
Relaxing edge D->A, Updated distance to A: 4
Relaxing edge D->C, Updated distance to C: 7
Relaxing edge D->E, Updated distance to E: 3
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: 5
Relaxing edge E->C, Updated distance to C: 6
Relaxing edge B->C, Updated distance to C: 1
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -8
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -4
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -3
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -13
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -1
Relaxing edge A->C, Updated distance to C: -9
Relaxing edge A->E, Updated distance to E: -8
Relaxing edge C->A, Updated distance to A: -18
Relaxing edge E->B, Updated distance to B: -6
Negative weight cycle detected. Cannot compute shortest paths.